Hellam Township Municipal Offices will be closed December 24th & 25th, in observation of the Christmas holiday. We will reopen on December 26th at 7:00AM. If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, dial County Control, at 717-854-5571.

Board of Supervisors

What is a Township Supervisor?

The powers granted to a Township Supervisor, and other elected officials, are enumerated in the Pennsylvania Commonwealth's Second Class Township Code law.

"An elected Township Supervisor is responsible for deciding issues of public safety, spending, growth management, zoning, roads and streets, code enforcement, environment and how to pay for it all." (Source: the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors).

To further simplify, Hellam Township supervisors are not employees. They do not have a designated work station in the municipal building, but are welcome to use space to meet with the public. They do not clock in at 9 a.m. and clock out at 5 p.m. A supervisor is always available to the residents through e-mail and at public meetings, which are held on the first and third Thursday in the municipal building at 6:00 p.m.

Board of Supervisor members

Dave Cox Board of Supervisors Chairman Email
Willam Conaway Board of Supervisors Vice-Chairman Email
Mark Myers Supervisor Email
Nedette Otterbein Supervisor Email
Michael Shillott Supervisor Email


Corina Mann
Township Manager

35 Walnut Springs Road York, PA 17406
Monday-Friday: 7:00am-5:00pm
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